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Artikelnr #:5024101E Model #: 5024101E Naam: 2N 5024101E LiftGate Emergency Elevator I/Com Liftgate 4G Vol
IP connectivity over 2-wire
Backup power supply
All in one IoT device
Algemeen Informatie
The 2N® LiftGate IoT gateway will transform a regular lift into a modern IP solution for the 21st century. Plus, you needn’t worry if there’s a UTP cable in the lift. IP connectivity in the lift is secured using 2 wires in the travelling cable. 2N® LiftGate combines the functions of an LTE router, a backup power supply, a converter (2-wire to IP) and a switch all in one unit. Install just 1 product instead of 4 and save time and money.
Main Features
IP connectivity over 2-wire
Backup power supply
All in one IoT device
Communicatie via SIM- en WAN-poort
Tot 4 IP-apparaten in de cabine
Relaisuitgangen en -ingangen
De machinekamer en de cabine met elkaar verbinden
Beheer via cloud en sms
Categorie : Evacuatie centrale units, Intercom, Noodcommunicatie, Producten