The VSN-RP1r-Plus2 gas control panel has been designed to efficiently manage the automatic release sequence of any extinguishing system of gas, CO2 (according to EN12094:1/2003 requirements), foam, dust, aerosols or sprinklers. The VSN-RP1r-Plus2 compact control panel includes: a switched 65W power supply with battery charger; three input zones to connect directly to two-wire conventional detectors and external release call point; two monitored and electronically protected output circuits and two sounder outputs with different frequencies to identify each of the extinguishing stages (preactivated mode, activated mode, hold/abort and soak). The front panel includes 44 status leds, 2-digit countdown timer, a GAS sign and a keyswitch for keyboard access. There are circuits for low and flow pressure monitoring and open door control; input circuits for hold and release abort call points and seven status relays (preactivated, activated and extinguishing release in process, general fault ouput and operating mode: disabled, manual or automatic). The VSN-RP1r-Plus2 provides two RS232 serial ports, a USB port and a I2C bus for remote system monitoring, connection to a TG graphic software and event log visualization.